Available from Get Fresh Books Publishing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble
Just as sand is etched by erosive wind and air, Fierce Geometry explores the forces that mark and shape a life. Brancaccio’s poetry travels the emotive back roads and roadside attractions of one woman’s journey through longing, love and loss. Ultimately, these poems map out lyrical digressions through family history and personal experience as she searches for healing and rebirth in the face of devastating losses.
ISBN: 979-8-2180632-2-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022945471
Honorable Mention
2023 New York Book Festival
and recommended by
the American Academy of Poets
Praise for Fierce Geometry
“Unquenchable longings pulsate through Brancaccio’s version of a book of the dead. A recurring character-voice the poet trusts as “ghost girl” peels off and records layers on layers of brutal human geometries. Circles and cells, “mausoleum[s] to empire,” “breast/of resentment,” lost vowels, all signal shapes a world possesses. I hear Lessing and Rich, Clifton and Sexton, accompanying Brancaccio as she explodes both the myths and the realities of the “dutiful daughter” and devoted wife, partner, mother, lover. She who works with needles (both flesh-surgical and cloth-wed) and pen. Brancaccio never flinches from rage; she rides it, thirsty for mortal forgiveness and clarity. Sensuous, enticing, the woman knows “love, the great/transversal,” and it’s love’s unmediated gaze that I admire and receive in this fine debut.”
— Judith Vollmer, The Appollonia Poems
”In Fierce Geometry, Mary Brancaccio tallies with exquisite detail (“rust on the rim of an oxygen tank”) and unflinching honesty (“I cannot write: too raw, too raw”) the gains and losses of a woman coming of age sexually and politically: “A growl like thunder deep inside me.” The death of her mother triggers both resentment for “acts of cruelty” and abiding forgiveness, as well as awareness of herself as burgeoning artist: “Deep in me beats / a rag picker’s pulse / gathering, gathering.” Whether gauging love’s pleasures or reckoning its consequences, Brancaccio writes with exactitude and wonder: “my Lazarus tongue slept until wakened.”
— Michael Waters, Celestial Joyride
Mary Brancaccio featured on The Slowdown
“Tea with Ann,” from Fierce Geometry, was featured on Major Jackson’s poetry podcast, The Slowdown, on April 28, 2023.
Click the link to listen to this episode: The Slowdown features "Tea with Ann".
Description of the episode:
Today’s poem implies that our friends are our bounty. Our essential relationships are born from shared stories over an expanse of time as well as the effort we put into physically being with each other. The rewards are greater and more substantive than any modern technology can provide.
Mary answers interview questions from other poets: https://spkofmarvels.wordpress.com/2024/07/19/mary-brancaccio/
Hear Mary’s conversation with poet Noel A. Figueroa on his podcast, Poets with Purpose, at PWP Sessions: Season 3, Episode 2 (September 28, 2023). At thirty minutes in, she reads from Fierce Geometry and Writing the Land: Streamlines.
The Academy of American Poets recommends Fierce Geometry for National Poetry Month, 2023: Click poets.org recommended poetry books for more information.
The Daily Progress interview with Mary ahead of her reading at New Dominion Bookshop in Charlottesville, VA: Not a poetry fan? Maybe you haven't met the right poem.
Fierce Geometry receives an Honorable Mention in the 2023 New York Book Festival: New York Book Festival Winners
Maine's Courier-Gazette promotes my August 12th reading
My book review of Michael Garrigan’s River, Amen can be read at terrain.org/2023/reviews-reads/river-amen/.
I led a Poetry Hike of South Mountain Reservation for the South Mountain Conservancy on October 27, 2024: https://www.somocon.org/poetry-hikes/
My poem, “What I Lost, What I Gather,” was reprinted in the January 2025 issue of Harper’s Magazine: https://harpers.org/archive/2025/01/what-i-lost-what-i-gather-mary-brancaccio/
Writing the Land
is a collaboration between poets and protected lands. Mary Brancaccio was a poet for the Normanton Farms, an agrarian trust in New Hampshire, and the Davidson Nature Preserve, part of the Kennebec Land Trust in Vassalboro, Maine. Below are excerpts of her work for those anthologies. Three of her poems appeared in the Writing the Land: Northeast anthology, and three more in the Writing the Land: Maine anthology. She has also contributed to Streamlines, an anthology focused on ecologically fragile lands in Cayman Brac. Her latest work appears in two of the project’s newest books: Cayman Brac from Bluff to Sea and The Black River: Death Poems. Through our anthologies, poets raise awareness of the importance of land conservation, ecosystems and biodiversity. The project allows the trusts to use the books for fundraising.
Interested in supporting this project by purchasing a book? Visit Nature Culture Books.
Reading Schedule, 2023-2024
February 26th, 2023
August 12th, 2023
Digging In:
Poetry about Life, Loss and Renewal
Mary Brancaccio & Ellen Goldsmith
August 19th, 2023
The Soiree: An Evening of
Poetry, Music, Muses & Mystery
A Year & A Day Mystical Shoppe
Asbury Park, NJ 07712
September 24, 2023
Mary Brancaccio, Guest Poet
on the Poets with Purpose Podcast
November 3rd, 2023
Author and Artists Festival: Rewilding
Retreat Poets 1
March 10th, 2024
Spotlight Reading Series
Arts by The People Reading
Madison, NJ 07940
April 6, 2024
2-3:30 PM
National Poetry Month Celebration
Millburn Public Library, Millburn, NJ
April 10, 2024
National Poetry Month Reading Series
Kemp Library
East Stroudsburg University, PA
April 28, 2024
National Poetry Month Celebration
Livingston Public Library
Livingston, NJ
August 6, 2024
Bryant Park Reading Room
New York, NY
October 8, 2024
6 PM
Mountain Lakes Public Library
9 Elm Road
Mountain Lakes, NJ
November 3, 2024
1 pm Eastern Time
Black River: Death Poems Book Launch
November 30th, 2023
Literary Salon
Mary Brancaccio
with Special Guests
Zak Salih and Sosha Pinson
National Press Club
Washington, DC
Spring 2024 Arts By the People Presents
The Writing Lab: An Open Studio for
Literary and Ekphrastic Arts
with Poet Mary Brancaccio
The Baird Center
South Orange, NJ
February 16, 2024
Breaking the Silence:
Writing toward Healing & Resilience
Led by Ellen Goldsmith & Mary Brancaccio
Camden Library, Camden, Maine
Writing Workshops
About the Author
Mary Brancaccio is a poet and teacher. Her poetry collection, Fierce Geometry, is available from Get Fresh Books Publishing. Her book was a recommended by the American Academy of Poets during National Poetry Month in 2023. Brancaccio's poetry has appeared in Naugatuck River Review, Minerva Rising, Edison Literary Review, among others. Her poem, "Unfinished Work," was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. More recently, she was a featured poet on The Slowdown. She is included in several anthologies of poetry, including The Black River: Death Poems; Cayman Brac from Bluff to Sea; Writing the Land: Maine, Writing the Land: Northeast, Farewell to Nuclear, Welcome to Renewable Energy (a response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster) and Veils, Halos and Shackles: International Poetry on the Oppression and Empowerment of Women. Her reviews of books of poetry have been published in Rattle and Terrain. Brancaccio has an MFA in Poetry from Drew University. She lives in South Orange, NJ.